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Connecting music teachers and students

Connecting music teachers and students

The Princess Christina Concours (PCC) is a non-profit organisation that believes in the power of music. They stimulate and support children and young people in their musical development to nourish the roots of Dutch musical life. PCC helps them in their journey from choosing an instrument to winning the competition. Various digital channels ultimately lead to the main goal of the PCC, the annual competition. The competition offers children and young people a platform to develop their musical talents.

Due to the fragmented music education in the Netherlands, it has become more difficult to come into contact with teachers who have insights into the young musical talents in the Netherlands and, through them, bring the competitions to the attention of the best talents available in the Netherlands. In addition, it is important for PCC to measure and demonstrate the impact of their activities, validate assumptions for policy and steer towards increasing their impact on society.


Princess Christina Concours has asked us to help them with the right tools to:

- Build a direct relationship with music teachers who play a central role in the musical ecosystem and are the key to accessing talent.

- Measure the impact of their (online and offline) activities.

Prinses Christina Concours


Create & Launch
Discover & Strategise
Optimise & Grow


Culture, non-profit



Stimulate and support children in their musical development


PCC already used the platform. The central aim of this platform was to help children to discover which instrument suits them and to find a teacher. The result of their explorative journey is an overview of music teachers who teach the instrument. This way teachers and students are linked to each other.


Mapping out the features for the new platform.

The most logical step was to revive the platform and refresh and renew the available content and data. That is why we proposed a redesign of where the relationship between student and teacher is central and to which a data dashboard is linked which helps to measure the impact of the PCC activities.


User research at the anniversary concert of the Prinses Christina Concours.

Mapping out the features for the new platform.User research at the anniversary concert of the Prinses Christina Concours.

Highlights of the new platform.

Highlights of the new platform.

Way of working

Based on the idea of the Shortest Path to Value, we helped PCC with their question in two phases:

Discover & Strategise

The start of this project was the needs of the two different target groups of the website:

  • Children (and their parents) who want to learn to play an instrument and are looking for a music teacher.
  • Music teachers who want to promote their teaching offer to children (and their parents).

    To gain insights into the needs of the target groups, we conducted several interviews with children, parents and music teachers. This gave us a clear view of their expectations of a platform like

To gain insights into the needs of the target groups, we conducted several interviews with children, parents and music teachers. This gave us a clear view of their expectations of a platform like

At the same time, we conducted a thorough market analysis, which led to the definition of renewed brand guidelines and a revised style and brand identity for The result was a new concept for that has been translated into an Actionable Digital Strategy.

Create & Launch

With the foundation as a basis, we brought the concept to life in a first Minimal Viable Product (MVP) of the platform.

By working in sprints, we were able to flexibly build components and test them directly with stakeholders and real users (continuous user involvement).

In addition to the consumer platform, we delivered a data dashboard as the first step in PCC's goal to become a data-driven organisation. This dashboard provides insight into all activities on and the impact of events, promotions and promotions on PCC's intended goals.

“With fresk as digital partner of the Princess Christina Concours, we have been able to rapidly develop our Kies Je Instrument platform. With all the necessary expertise in one company, we were able to come up with a complete concept that fits in perfectly with our other products and processes. This collaboration gave us the taste for more!”

Alexander Buskermolen

Director at Prinses Christina Concours


The redesign of has resulted in a new, fresher and more stable platform that gives a central role to the direct relationship between children (and their parents) and music teachers.

The data dashboard supports PCC as an organisation by providing them with insights into the impact of their online and offline activities.

This is just the beginning of their journey to become more data-driven as an organisation.


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