Blue-bike is a recognisable blue bicycle (you guessed it!) that you can rent at over 100 train, tram and bus stations in Belgium. It’s an initiative of Blue-mobility which is a partnership between NMBS-stations (the Belgian Railway), the bus stops of De Lijn and randparking. Blue-bike understands that their customer's journey does not end when they exit the train, tram or bus.
To offer travelers a comfortable way of transportation to get them to their destination beyond the train station or bus stop, Blue-mobility offers them the flexible services of the Blue-bike. Helping them with their last mile (or two).
Blue-bike asked us to help them get more grip on the needs and experience of their clients to help define future business models.
You can easily use the kiosk to rent a Blue-bike.
Blue-bike is a rapidly growing product and brand that offers a convenient way to help travelers in their journey from A to B. But what does that journey entail exactly and what does the traveler actually need?
To help Blue-bike with their ask, we needed to help them understand the needs of their current (and future) customers.
Processing insights during our workshop.
In order to do that, we brought together the experience of the team in shared mobility and MaaS platforms, and the knowledge and experience of the Blue-bike team to visualise the customer journey of their (potential) clients.
With this power-team we were able to help them get insights on where the opportunities and improvements in the journey of their customers lie.
Our fresk team in Antwerp.
We created an Experience map to capture the user needs and business goals for Blue-bike.
To get to results efficiently, we used our shared-mobility framework which kick-started the customer journey mapping session with Blue-bike.
As part of this process we identified points of improvements, so called leverage points. These points define an opportunity to improve the customer journey, preferably something that is small, but has a major impact.
This made it possible to swiftly make great steps towards an improved customer journey. We created an overview of the pain points and design areas that offer an opportunity to improve the customer experience, spread out over multiple personas and business models.
“ applies her knowledge of shared mobility in a very relevant way to create an overview of the customer journey of our shared bike members. This way opportunities are identified to bring better support to travellers to reach their final destination quickly and reliably."
General Manager at Blue-bike
In the end we proudly delivered a customer experience map with leverage points defined throughout the whole customer lifecycle (before, during and after).
This helps Blue-bike get more grip on what their customers need and towards focused improvements to the Blue-bike service. They are now able to organise and prioritise what steps to take first to improve the customer experience and translate them into actual technical solutions.
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